Saturday, December 31, 2011

Red Hat Linux Survival Guide

Red Hat Linux Survival Guide Review

Red Hat sealed and approved - survive installing and configuring Red Hat Linux with this handy quick reference by your side.

This quick-reference book contains the core information you need to install and configure the Red Hat Linux Operating System. It focuses on both the home and office uses of Red Hat Linux. Topics covered in the book include installing and upgrading Linux; Dual-booting Linux (for home networking); and Setting up Linux with DHCP, etc.(for home networking).

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Red Hat LINUX 7 Fast and Easy (Fast & Easy)

Red Hat LINUX 7 Fast and Easy (Fast & Easy) Review

For users new to Linux, Red Hat Linux X Fast & Easy is the only book that provides step-by-step instruction in an easy-to-follow visual format. This hot flavor of Linux is explained without making you wade through pages and pages of text filled with information you don’t need to use Linux effectively. Hundreds of visual examples show you exactly how you can be productive with Red Hat Linux right away! This book is for users who are curious about what makes Linux tick and want a quick, basic introduction to it. This Fast & Easy guide will prove the value choice in visual learning!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Red Hat Linux Firewalls

Red Hat Linux Firewalls Review

* Everything readers need to construct firewalls that protect computer networks from attacks and intrusions
* Covers the migration from ipchains and how to mange iptable log files
* Reviews the customization of firewalls, the Red Hat firewall tool, the firewall setup, and advanced firewall features
* Includes numerous examples of firewalls and firewall administration techniques that work on Red Hat Linux systems
* Explains how to cost-justify, implement, test, and operate packet filtering firewalls constructed using Red Hat Linux
Linux Solutions from the Experts at Red Hat
Red Hat-the world's leading Linux company-presents a series of unrivaled guides that are reviewed and approved by the experts at Red Hat. Each book is packed with invaluable tips and techniques that are ideal for everyone from beginning to advanced network and systems professionals, as well as home and small businesses.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Red Hat Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guide)

Red Hat Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guide) Review

Perfect for systems and network administrators migrating from Windows NT to Linux, or experimenting with bringing Linux into their network topology. Even novice users will find plenty of helpful information on administering the open source operating system—including installation, initial configuration, using the bash command shell, managing files, managing software, and granting rights to users.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Red Hat® Linux® 6 Server

Red Hat® Linux® 6 Server Review

Red Hat® Linux® 6 Server The open-source Linux operating system is gaining ground fast in businesses and universities around the world, and many commercial versions of the software make it reliable and user-friendly enough for any organization. In Red Hat Linux 6 Server, Unix expert Mohammed Kabir shows you step-by-step how to deploy Linux servers for your intranet or the Internet, from initial installation through security implementation and performance fine-tuning. In-depth coverage of the issues you'll face, plenty of real-world examples, an easy-to-understand guide to common commands, and a comprehensive listing of Linux resources on the Internet make this an indispensable resource, whether you're working for a small nonprofit or a large corporation. Working Solutions for the Linux 6 Server:
  • Master the ins and outs of Linux installation and configuration
  • Manage privileged and ordinary users, groups, and disk quotas
  • Control, monitor, prioritize, and automate programs
  • Set up DNS, SMTP, POP3, HTTP, FTP, IRC, and SQL servers
  • Secure your server using firewalls and tools such as SATAN and COPS
  • Design a load-balanced, multiserver Apache-based Web network
  • Set up Samba and NFS fileserver for your office network
Bonus! CD-ROM with Complete Linux Distribution, including:
  • Linux Kernel 2.2.5
  • Installation and configuration tools
  • GNOME and KDE graphical user interfaces
  • Full TCP/IP networking
  • Dial-up networking tools for ISP access
  • Complete suite of Internet applications, including e-mail, news, and Telnet
  • Apache Web Server 1.3.6
  • Netscape Communicator 4.51
  • And much more

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed

Red Hat Linux 8 Unleashed Review

Continuing with the tradition of offering the best and most comprehensive coverage of Red Hat Linux on the market, Red Hat Linux X Unleashed includes new and additional material based on the latest release of Red Hat Linux. Incorporating a more advanced approach to presenting information about Red Hat Linux, the book aims to provide the best and latest information intermediate to advanced Red Hat users need to know about installation, configuration, system administration, server operations, and security. All chapters concentrate on Red Hat Linux software packages. There is updated topic coverage in areas such as: the architecture of the Linux kernel 2.4.18, USB, KDE , GNOME 1.4, broadband access issues, routing, gateways, firewalling (SOHO networking), the new XFree86 4.2 architecture and features, disk tuning, GCC 2.2, Perl 5.6.1, Python 2, new printing services (CUPS), and security.

Red Hat Linux 7.2 Weekend Crash Course (With CD-ROM)

Red Hat Linux 7.2 Weekend Crash Course (With CD-ROM) Review

Learn Red Hat Linux fast! With Red Hat(r) Linux(r) 7.2 Weekend Crash Course, you can get up to speed on configuring and using the most popular Linux OS distribution available today -- in a single weekend!

Red Linux 7.2 Weekend Crash Course consists of 30 sessions that teach you the core concepts of the Red Hat Linux distribution over a weekend (from Friday evening through Sunday afternoon). Naturally, you can adapt the pace of your learning to whatever schedule meets your needs. Coverage crosses abroad range of topics, including: installing Linux; troubleshooting the installation; configuring the X Window System; ultimedia applications; monitoring system performance; and maintaining system security. This edition incorporates two new sessions: "Red Hat Linux Network" and "Learning More Linux and Bash Commands." Also, troubleshooting sections have been added at the end of most sessions that explain common problems that arise.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5

The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5 Review

The Definitive Guide to MySQL 5, Third Edition is the latest revision to Michael Kofler's popular comprehensive book on the world's most popular open source database server. Updated to reflect the changes in MySQL version 5, the most significant update in the product's history, readers are exposed to MySQL's impressive array of new features including views, stored procedures, triggers, spatial data types, and more. Novice and intermediate users alike will benefit from extensive coverage of core MySQL features such as user administration, basic and advanced querying, and security.

Readers are also introduced to several standard and third-party tools such as the MySQL Administrator, Query Browser, and popular PHPMyAdmin tool. Acknowledging MySQL’s huge popularity when used in conjunction with APIs, Michael devotes substantial coverage talking to MySQL via languages like PHP, Perl, Java, C, and C#.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Red Hat Linux 8 for Dummies

Red Hat Linux 8 for Dummies Review

Install Red Hat Linux 8, get connected, and get to work
Meet the new, improved GNOME interface and go online with cable and DSL
Want a powerful, versatile, and free PC operating system? This handy guide with two CD-ROMs has what you need to toss those other guys out the Windows. Before you can say "tech support," you'll have Red Hat Linux 8 installed and be cruising the Internet, using the newly integrated OpenOffice Suite and RealPlayer, and working with the friendly, revamped GNOME interface.
All this on 2 bonus CD-ROMs
Includes the Publisher's Edition of Red Hat Linux 8 with Apache Web Server, GNU compiler, GNOME and KDE Desktop, and more
System Requirements: Pentium-class PC with 32MB RAM (96MB recommended), CD-ROM, 650MB hard drive (2.5GB recommended).

Friday, December 16, 2011

Red Hat Linux: Your Visual Blueprint to Open Source Operating Systems

Red Hat Linux: Your Visual Blueprint to Open Source Operating Systems Review

* This highly visual two-color guide demonstrates step by step how to accomplish more than 100 key Red Hat Linux tasks, from installation to security
* Covers the Linux shell, file system, text editor, the X Window System, window manager, and xterm
* Explains how to use the Mozilla Web browser and instant messaging, how to administer auto-mounting file systems, and how to burn CDs and configure CD writers
* Features more than 500 fully annotated screenshots, expanded introductions, and tips with real-life examples
Combining clear, step-by-step screen shots with minimal text, our five Visual series are the ultimate resources for visual learners, who represent up to forty percent of your customers.
Teach Yourself VISUALLY guides help computer users get up to speed on a wide range of office productivity, graphics, and Web design software. Offering significantly more coverage than our Simplified series, these books provide real-world tips and illustrate basic and intermediate level techniques using crisp full-color screen shots.
Visual Blueprints apply the proven Visual formula to professional-level programming, Web development, and networking tips. Each two-color guide includes self-contained two-page lessons, covering more than 100 key topics, accompanied by practical tips and code samples as well as examples and bonus software on CD-ROM.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer)

Beginning Red Hat Linux 9 (Programmer to Programmer) Review

What is this book about?

Red Hat Linux 9 is a powerful, flexible open source operating system. Its popularity is growing, both in home use and in corporate environments of all sizes. Its user interface makes it every bit as accessible as other operating systems, and its open source pedigree opens the doors to a mind-blowing amount of free software.

This book guides you through that difficult time that comes just after you've installed a new operating system, by giving you the confidence to open your wings and fly with it. We'll take you through the installation, we'll get you working, and by the end of the book you'll have a well-configured, stable, secure operating system and a world of possibilities.

What does this book cover?

In this book, you will learn how to

  • Install Red Hat Linux 9 using the included 2 CD-ROM distribution from Red Hat
  • Use Red Hat Linux 9 to connect to networks, printers, and the Internet
  • Get working — using Office applications, Web browsers, multimedia applications, and so on
  • Get the most from Linux — by understanding Linux's powerful file system and command line interfaces
  • Set up and configure a Web server, a mail server, a file server, and various other types of servers
  • Secure your machine against unauthorized use — both from the Internet and from internal threats
  • Modify your machine to suit the way you work — installing software to create a tailored working environment

Who is this book for?

This book is for you if you're using (or planning to use) the Red Hat Linux operating system for the first time. It offers the simple, plain-speaking guidance you need as you begin to explore the vast potential of open source software. The book assumes that you're familiar with using Microsoft Windows, and aims to help you make the jump from Windows to Linux by introducing it in those terms. No previous knowledge of Linux is assumed.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Red Hat Linux 7.2: The Complete Reference, Second Edition

Red Hat Linux 7.2: The Complete Reference, Second Edition Review

This second edition includes updated material with coverage on the: Linux kernel 2.4, Gnome 1.4 and the K Desktop, KDE 2.0. It also covers Red Hat supported servers such as Tux and thttpd Web servers and the CUPS print server. As part of the book's coverage of the Linux kernel 2.4, the author walks through network security features of IP-tables. The book focuses on the different ways Red Hat presents its distribution - a desktop workstation, network workstation, server, and development platform. The CD contains a trial version of Red Hat 7.1.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Red Hat Linux 9 Unleashed

Red Hat Linux 9 Unleashed Review

Continuing with the tradition of offering the best and most comprehensive coverage of Red Hat Linux on the market, Red Hat Linux 9 Unleashed includes new and additional material based on the latest release of Red Hat Linux.

Incorporating an advanced approach to presenting information about Red Hat Linux, the book aims to provide the best and latest information intermediate to advanced Red Hat users need to know about installation, configuration, system administration, server operations, and security.

All chapters concentrate on Red Hat Linux software packages, including up to date coverage of:

  • The architecture of the Linux kernel 2.4.18
  • USB
  • KDE
  • GNOME 1.4
  • Broadband access issues, routing, gateways, firewalls
  • The XFree86 4.2 architecture and features
  • Disk tuning
  • GCC 2.2
  • Perl 5.6.1
  • Python 2
  • Printing services (CUPS)
  • Security

Monday, December 5, 2011

Red Hat Linux Security and Optimization

Red Hat Linux Security and Optimization Review

Red Hat Linux Security and Optimization is a reference for power-users and administrators covering all security issues, including Filesystems Security, Securing root accounts and Firewalls. Other Security books talk about how to apply certain patches to fix a security problem -- but this book shows you how to secure all applications so that the chances for a security breach are automatically minimized. Application performance benchmarking will also be covered. This book introduces you to many application-specific performance and benchmarking techniques and shows you how to tune your computer as well as your networks. This book covers all the primary Red Hat Linux Applications such as Apache Web Server, WuFTP, FTP server, BIND DNS server, Sendmail SMTP server and focuses on how to enhance security for each of them. It also shows you how to secure NFS and Samba Server, as well as the Apache Web Server.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hands-on Guide to the Red Hat® Exams: RHCSA™ and RHCE® Cert Guide and Lab Manual (Certification Guide)

Hands-on Guide to the Red Hat® Exams: RHCSA™ and RHCE® Cert Guide and Lab Manual (Certification Guide) Review

Master every topic on Red Hat’s new RHCSA™ and RHCE® exams.

  • Assess your knowledge and focus your learning.
  • Get the practical workplace knowledge you need!


Start-to-finish RHCSA™ and RHCE® preparation from leading Linux system administrator, IT trainer, and certification expert Damian Tommasino!


Master every RHCSA™ and RHCE® topic!

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 local and network installation
  • System services, runlevels, and bootup
  • Disks, partitions, and file systems, including LUKS encryption
  • Networking
  • Package management
  • User administration
  • Logging, monitoring, and automation
  • Kernel updates and tuning
  • Security, including SELinux, firewalls, and policies
  • Remote access, including SSH
  • Apache, Squid, DNS, DHCP, NTP, and email
  • NFS and Samba
  • Client and network troubleshooting
  • KVM virtualization


Test your knowledge, build your confidence, and succeed!

  • 22 hands-on RHCSA™ and RHCE® Labs, each with multiple real-world tasks
  • Downloadable troubleshooting scripts
  • Practical tutorials and real-world tips
  • Exam tips
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Command Quick Reference
  • Exclusive Red Hat exam prep advice and task lists
  • Two full length lab-based practice exams


Damian Tommasino (RHCE, RHCSA, MCSA, CCNA, CCENT, MCP, Security+, Network+, A+) is a Linux system administrator at TradeCard and CEO of Modular Learning Inc., an online IT training company. He blogs on Red Hat, Linux, and security at Security Nut (, and actively contributes to the popular IT exam certification forums at